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孟子 《孟子》(中英文版)以中英对照的方式,介绍了中国儒家的另外一位代表人物孟子,分析了他的人性观、道德体系、政治理想等等,阐述了他对儒家思想和人的发展做出的贡献。
作者:徐兴无 著,David B. Honey 译 编辑:芮逸敏 ISBN:978-7-305-07583-4
出版时间:201009 字数:240 定价:33
开本:16开 页数:268 装订:平装
版次:1 CIP分类号:  





Chapter  Ⅰ	During the Present Age Nobody  Can Achieve It, but I! Life, Aspirations, and Works

Chapter  Ⅱ	Knowledge of the Good: The Starting Point for Human Nature

Chapter  Ⅲ	Humaneness, Righteousness, Ritual Courtesy, and Wisdom: The Moral System

Chapter  Ⅳ	I am Good at Nurturing My Flood-like Qi: Moral and Spiritual Self-Cultivation

Chapter  Ⅴ       Judging People and the Times, Letting the Mind Meet Intent: Expounding the Cultural Tradition

Chapter  Ⅵ	Humane Government: Government Ideals and Social Criticism

Chapter  Ⅶ       How Can it be Said that I am Fond of Debate? The Thought and Language of a Powerful Debater
Chapter  Ⅷ	The Great Way: Confucian Thought and the Development of Man

一  当今之世,舍我其谁

二  良知

三  仁义礼智

四  我善养吾浩然之气

五  知人论世,以意逆志

六  仁政

七  予岂好辩哉

八  大道